Monday, April 30, 2012

Don't Get Eaten Alive This Summer!

Anyone who lives in the Midwest will probably start nodding their head as I comment on the great winter we had this year! Here in Indianapolis, there were only a few days where there was actual snowfall. But for the most part, it was just rain and pretty warm temperatures. We had a couple of good storms in the region, but overall - this was the best winter I have ever experienced! I'm from Chicago, and I have lived through my fair share of blizzards and below-zero weather. I was very happy to be able to get through this past winter without a heavy, puffy coat!

However, that does pose a huge threat for this summer. You know those pesky mosquitoes and creepy bugs we all so very much hate? (Or at least I do!) Our usually-freezing winters help to kill them off during those months to reduce their population. Since there was no lasting cold, we are going to be more than overwhelmed with all the biting and the itching! Oh, and the bees? I'm terrified of bees, and I know there has been a huge depletion in their population, but they're going to have a good boom too! My boyfriend already got stung by one in February. February!?!? Unheard of!!

The main concerns this summer for you should be the biters. We all hate mosquitoes and we know too much or too little of what they can spread. Did you know they spread heartworms to your dog too? Now you do. I found this out recently when I brought a stray dog into my life and had her tested. She tested positive, and her treatment is going to cost more than I bought my car for! $1200-$1800! Fleas and ticks are going to be a problem too! These bugs don't just affect animals, they can affect people too.

I would like to suggest stocking up on bug sprays and bite and itch ointments. There are foods you can eat that act as a natural repellent too. Here's a link to a helpful site . And don't forget your furry family members! Put them on preventatives to keep them from getting affected by fleas and ticks. I am very highly recommending heartworm preventative as well, but you will need a prescription for it from your veterinarian!

The summer months are longed for by many of us, and we love to use our spare time outside enjoying the air and having fun! We're just going to have to be more careful this summer! Protect yourself, your family, and your pets!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Teach Your Kids How to Approach an Unfamiliar Dog

So I wanted to take my dog, Annie, out for a walk the other day. I live in an apartment building where there are many residents who have children. I took the side exit out of the building and walked past a couple of boys, no more than 10 years old, playing with big sticks. One of the boys, without saying a word or asking me if he could pet the dog, all of a sudden ran up on Annie with one hand holding a large stick and his other hand going up over her head to pet her....

A little background information on my dog:

Annie is an Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix that was spotted running through traffic on a very busy road during rush hour. I was pulling into a store parking lot after work as this was going on and saw a group of people trying to herd her away from the traffic and closer to the building. This frightened little girl made sure no one would catch her! I quickly joined in and opened all the doors to my car. Eventually, everybody managed to huddle around her, get her to hop in my car, and shut all the doors. After weeks of no luck in finding her owner, I decided to let her stay with me. My boyfriend, upon meeting her, called her "Orphan Annie," and the name has since stuck. I have only had her for a couple of months. I have gotten to know her pretty well since bringing her home, however, I know nothing of her past and can only guess.

Back to the story:

The boy surprised me by running up without warning- again, big stick in one hand and the other reaching over the top of her head to pet her.... What happened? Annie got startled, bared her teeth, snarled, and tried biting this child's hand! Reading this makes it sound longer than the nano-second time frame this action actually took place in. I yanked Annie back in fear, yelled at her with a "NO!" and "BAD DOG!" (I found out she knew these terms when I took her in), and then I turned around and yelled at this boy! I am not an angry person, I do not ever raise my voice or yell at anybody. This was my first time yelling at someone I did not know, no joke! I said "That is not how you walk up to a dog you do not know!" I had to tell him how it should be done, otherwise this boy can one day end up getting bitten! And you know what? That fault falls on the dog's owner, which is now me. He could have been badly hurt!

I am writing this because I believe it should be required to teach our children how to go about approaching a pet they do not know. I do not have any kids, but I have had animals my whole life and will make sure I teach any future children the proper ways.

I also want all the parents reading this to think about teaching this if you have not already!

Here are some tips when approaching or being confronted by a dog:

When you spot an unfamiliar dog being walked by a person, ask that person if it is okay to pet the dog. Do not attempt it if they say no or are unsure, and maybe the dog will show you if it wants to be touched.

If you spot an unfamiliar stray dog, take extra caution! This dog may be the friendliest thing in the world! Or, it may be scared and want to defend itself if it thinks you are threatening it, whether you are or not. Do not make eye contact for too long, if at all.

Never hold anything in your hands, or at least anything large in size compared to them. If this dog has been abused, then he might believe you may try to, and that puts you in danger!

NEVER EVER EVER reach your hand over the top of his head first. He may think you are going to grab him or hurt him and you may get bitten or worse! ALWAYS put your hand down low, palm up.

Do not make any quick or sudden movements and do not try to get closer to the dog. He may or may not come to you. If he does, let him smell your hand first.

Read the dog's body language. Ears back, stay back! If the dog has his tail down, if his tail is not wagging or it is in between their legs, he is alert and paying attention and may be nervous. If you hear a growl growing in his throat, get back and leave him alone.

Use a voice you would use for a baby, because that can help them understand  that you do not mean to harm them. 

You may want to crouch down while doing this, as this makes you seem smaller and less threatening.

Also, and a lot of people do not think about this, be careful and slow as you are petting him. He may not like being touched in some places. NEVER try to scratch his back or his butt, and do not touch anyplace near his back legs. Some dogs may be okay with it, but a log of dogs may not like it, especially if they do not know you! Some dogs have a thing about their ears, too. Stay at the top of the head and the back of the neck. Even if the dog is showing pure signs of friendliness, they may not trust you enough.

The key is to move as slowly, cautiously, and as fearlessly as you possibly can.

Every dog is different. Do not assume they are all the same!

These are great tips for everybody, not just children. However, if you are not sure your kids know these rules, I am hoping that after reading this you will want to talk about it with them and teach them for their own safety! I am not a professional or expert in the dog behavior field, but I have been around dogs my whole life and have learned these tips throughout! I hope I have taught someone somewhere a thing or two here today!

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Sweet and Lightweight Summer Treat!

I love sweet things! Like chocolate, cake, cookies, and fruits - mmmm!

I work on a tight budget, but I do like to indulge once in a while, as a treat for something I may have accomplished or for simply having a long week at work. And I found something that is both sweet, delicious, can be eaten in the morning with my coffee or after a meal, AND is covered in chocolate! Not to mention it's much healthier than that triple fudge brownie cake you would order at a restaurant after your dinner! Try it, there's NO BAKING involved! And it's SUPER CHEAP!

All you need is:

1 already made Angel Food cake, found right by the bakery at your local grocery store
1 bottle Hershey Chocolate Syrup (they have a light version too!)
And any of your favorite fruits!!

I love using strawberries and bananas, but blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pineapple, and orange slices also go very well with this!!

Take a slice of cake, sprinkle your desired pieces of fruit on top (cut into small pieces, of course), and pour on some delicious chocolate syrup!

There! Done! This is great to do in the summer, or when you have guests over and don't have a lot of time to cook or clean. It's inexpensive, very easy, not entirely unhealthy, and I can say it's delicious and MEAN it!! Not to mention your kids will love it too!

Try it and enjoy!!  :)

A Woman's Best Friend

A man's best friend may be a dog, but a woman's best friend is most definitely chocolate! I see all you ladies nodding your heads! I know I can't say no to the stuff! You wanna know what my favorite kind of chocolate is? Lindt chocolate! I'm sure you've seen it! It's a little more pricey than your occasional Hershey bar, but I treat myself to it once in a while! It's much softer and it melts in your mouth so nicely! Try it! I made my boyfriend try it and he is now a very big fan like me! Their truffles are great, and so are their chocolate bars! I'm not a fan of dark chocolate, but theirs I can more than happily indulge on! I just had to share this because I just bought a bag of Lindt truffles and I'm in heaven...  :)

Nice to Meet Me

Hello all you internet-addicted, blog-thriving, withdrawal-without-your-smartphone-in-your-hand users! Yes, this is what the lives of most of us has come to. We are people that hate time poorly wasted, and yet we "use" it to scrounge around the internet, pointlessly surfing the web for things to read, use, and do. I hate to put it that way, but it is something I've learned from observation. Think about it. It may or may not be true to you, but it is true to some extent with a lot of us, me included.

I guess I'll start off with who I am. My name is Barb, and I am just another person occupying this planet with you. I am no one special nor important really. I don't have a completed college education nor do I have a really good job. I am just above low income in status, being young, single, and child-less. I don't have much of a life. I work, go out sparingly, and sit home. Makes me sound pretty lame.

I reside in Indianapolis, and moved here from Chicago. Why? Not sure, but I can tell you it is definitely much cheaper to live out here by yourself than it would be in the Windy City! It's an expensive city to live in, where you basically need to live with someone in order to be able to afford rent and all the taxes you get pelted with during your existence. Unless you have a well-paying job, of course. But I don't fall into that category.

I currently work full-time in a warehouse, where I bust my butt running around, lifting heavy things, and getting sweaty, dusty, and dirty. It's more of a man's job, but I don't mind it for the most part. Worst part probably is blowing your nose to watch your Kleenex go from white to black in seconds... haha. Not to mention, I don't get to enjoy looking pretty, dressing nicely, and feeling the comfort of nice soft skin. When you handle lots of filthy objects all day, you deal with dry, sandpaper-like skin that cracks painfully and even makes a sound when you rub your hands together! It's still work, and the dirt on my hands and pants at the end of the day prove I work long and hard. And it pays my rent and bills. My job does have a lot of overtime! That can be great for your wallet, but not on your spare time that you can use to actually go out and meet people and feel social. Not to mention, I usually work so long that by the time I get home, I don't feel like cleaning. My place is very frequently a mess, with a sink full of dishes, a garbage can full of (you guessed it!) garbage that should have been taken out days ago and now stinks, and a carpet full of dog hair from my little Annie. Annie is a miniature Australian shepherd and border collie mix that joined my life a couple months ago, when she was spotted running through traffic and then herded into my car by a group of people trying to catch her. So I don't live entirely alone.

I am here because I want to be able to share my life, the things, I experience, and the things I learn. I can share ideas, stories, tips and advice, opinions, tips, and advice. I hope to make some friends here, I hope to bring up good topics or ideas or just plain thoughts, and I hope someone can find reading them to be enjoyable.