Monday, April 30, 2012

Don't Get Eaten Alive This Summer!

Anyone who lives in the Midwest will probably start nodding their head as I comment on the great winter we had this year! Here in Indianapolis, there were only a few days where there was actual snowfall. But for the most part, it was just rain and pretty warm temperatures. We had a couple of good storms in the region, but overall - this was the best winter I have ever experienced! I'm from Chicago, and I have lived through my fair share of blizzards and below-zero weather. I was very happy to be able to get through this past winter without a heavy, puffy coat!

However, that does pose a huge threat for this summer. You know those pesky mosquitoes and creepy bugs we all so very much hate? (Or at least I do!) Our usually-freezing winters help to kill them off during those months to reduce their population. Since there was no lasting cold, we are going to be more than overwhelmed with all the biting and the itching! Oh, and the bees? I'm terrified of bees, and I know there has been a huge depletion in their population, but they're going to have a good boom too! My boyfriend already got stung by one in February. February!?!? Unheard of!!

The main concerns this summer for you should be the biters. We all hate mosquitoes and we know too much or too little of what they can spread. Did you know they spread heartworms to your dog too? Now you do. I found this out recently when I brought a stray dog into my life and had her tested. She tested positive, and her treatment is going to cost more than I bought my car for! $1200-$1800! Fleas and ticks are going to be a problem too! These bugs don't just affect animals, they can affect people too.

I would like to suggest stocking up on bug sprays and bite and itch ointments. There are foods you can eat that act as a natural repellent too. Here's a link to a helpful site . And don't forget your furry family members! Put them on preventatives to keep them from getting affected by fleas and ticks. I am very highly recommending heartworm preventative as well, but you will need a prescription for it from your veterinarian!

The summer months are longed for by many of us, and we love to use our spare time outside enjoying the air and having fun! We're just going to have to be more careful this summer! Protect yourself, your family, and your pets!

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